SEB and Elron enhance the development of Open School’s digital Infrastructure in collaboration with GreenDice

Open School has joined GreenDice`s community, and last week, they received 40 laptops and 20 tablets, previously used by SEB and Elron employees. These well-maintained devices will be used in everyday learning, including preparation for national assessments. GreenDice will continue providing technical support and warranties to the school and replace the devices with newer ones when necessary. 

We spoke with Sandra Järv, the head of Open School, to learn more. 

What was the school’s previous digital capacity? Did classrooms and teachers have computers provided by the school? 

Until now, Open School’s digital capacity has so far been quite limited. While the teachers had excellent business-class computers, there were too few laptops available for students, and most of the existing ones were already outdated. Old devices were not user-friendly and couldn’t run the necessary programs. 

How will you use the devices obtained from GreenDice? 

The computers from GreenDice will generally be used for daily learning, with a focus on three activities: 

  • Providing 4th to 6th graders with tools for their weekly independent study days, for students who choose to complete assignments at school; 
  • Practicing for and conducting national-level assessments and other tests; 
  • Preparing for the digital exams starting in 2026 and practicing with related e-exam platforms. 

The tablets from GreenDice will mainly be used in project-based learning and in science and math subjects. They will help diversify teaching methods, increase the use of digital platforms, and allow students to work at their own pace. For example, math teachers have long dreamed of using tablets to apply individualized learning paths through environments like Stemy. 

How did you connect with GreenDice? 

We explored various service providers, and since our excellent educational technologist had prior positive experiences with GreenDice – and their offer was clearly the most school-friendly in terms of available devices, conditions, and fees – the decision was easy. 🙂 

Would you have been able to afford the same number of devices without GreenDice’s offer? 

Definitely not. Alternative offers we considered were clearly beyond our budget, and we wouldn’t have been able to upgrade our digital infrastructure on this scale. 

It’s heartwarming to see Estonian companies willing to contribute to the education system. Through GreenDice’s transparent technology circulation, they can do so sustainably. With full technical support, the school doesn’t need to worry about managing old devices. Additionally, the guarantee of having functional digital tools is always ensured. 

Thanks to SEB and Elron for taking good care of your work devices and maximizing their reuse through GreenDice’s technology circulation! 

In the photo: Sandra Järv, Head of Open School, and Tõnis Vähi, Educational Technologist.