Yolo Group yolo.com

Yolo Group

What do you do?

Yolo Group is one of the most successful IT and technology companies in Estonia. Yolo’s main goal is to create a one-stop entertainment center for its customers around the world.


What motivated you to join GreenDice?

Since Yolo Group operates in the IT sector, the main factor in our CO2 footprint is our technical park, and GreenDice offers us the opportunity to monitor and reduce our environmental impact.


Have you implemented green and circular economy principles in the company and how?

Yolo Group’s head office is new and innovative, which means that our building is very environmentally friendly. In addition to that, the company also has a “Green Team” that provides information on green issues to its employees and looks for solutions to make office life greener.


Why is it important for you to contribute primarily to the development of Estonia and other societies?

Yolo Group believes in the operation of a larger “ecosystem”, meaning that by contributing to its employees and society, the company itself is more sustainable.

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