

What does your company do and what value do you create?

Bankish provides a flexible and extensive toolbox of core IT solutions to help financial services providers take the leap from legacy architecture to an intuitive, secure, and user-friendly environment. From loan and deposit management to factoring and payment solutions, Bankish provides credit institutions with a truly end-to-end and highly modular loan administration platform.


What motivated you to join GreenDice?

While our services are digital and our “raw material” is time, we still rely on hardware to build our solutions. That’s where GreenDice comes in. They make sure that it is given to other stakeholders that have use for it when we no longer do. That way, we reduce our carbon footprint and help extend the lifespan of the tools of our trade.


Have you applied green and circular principles in your company and how?

Our solutions are digital and support paperless conduct – we also like to go along those lines in our business. There is a lot of greenwashing in various industries these days so we have always been wary of new initiatives, but the approach of GreenDice really won us over.


Why is it important for you to contribute to the development of Estonia and the rest of society?

Modern, efficient, and sustainable solutions are the key to a successful future, in all industries!


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KRC Ehitus
KRC Ehitus