Certific www.certific.co


What does your company do?

Certific’s goal is to make healthcare services significantly more accessible, more human-centered, and of higher quality.

With the help of digital remote reception technology, we verify the person who took the test, the correct sample collection, and the test result, and issue a medical certificate or treatment plan.


What motivated you to join GreenDice?

The motivation to join was an environmentally friendly approach to computer circulation.


Have you implemented green and circular economy principles in the company and how?

We’re sorting garbage, we’ll be circulating computers soon 😊, as a start-up, we haven’t put too much emphasis on reducing our carbon footprint today.


Why is it important for you to contribute primarily to the development of Estonia and other societies?

Because our resources are not endless and things do not last by themselves and we have to think about it every day.

Other members

Port of Tallinn
#Public sector
Port of Tallinn