

What do you do?

We are a textile services company and we focus on making our customers’ lives easier. We strengthen the reputation of our customers every day. We care about people and our planet, inspiring people to shine and businesses to grow sustainably.


What motivated you to join GreenDice?

We were motivated to join because we are a sustainable company ourselves and we want all our activities to be sustainable. In addition, the opportunity to contribute to the well-being of our society in the form of various projects.


Have you implemented green and circular economy principles in the company and how?

Our business model is based on the circular economy and we are constantly improving the sustainability of ourselves and our customers. The circular economy is woven into our business – our clothes are designed to last, bought from trusted, long-term suppliers, washed and delivered using optimized means. We mend our clothes, and when they can’t be mended, they’re recycled to make something new.


Why is it important for you to contribute primarily to the development of Estonia and other societies?

Overconsumption of natural resources is our biggest concern and with our services, we can help customers to reduce disposable or short-lived products. We want to leave a better planet for future generations. We want to raise awareness that instead of buying, it is better to use rental services, whatever they are.

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Port of Tallinn
#Public sector
Port of Tallinn
KRC Ehitus
KRC Ehitus