LOOV ORGANIC loovfood.com


What is your business doing and what value do you create today?

LOOV Organic was started in the Tallinn Christmas Market in 2008 and today we have successfully expanded to more than thirteen countries with e-sales. As a company and a team, we are dedicated to providing wholesome and clean organic food to every corner of the world.

Starting with freeze-dried berry powders and ending with, for example, mycelium-based supplements. Values ​​are more than just a list in LOOV – we live and breathe them every step of the way. It is a priority for us to pass on pure Nordic natural resources, thus setting an example in the journey of a new dietary norm.

We are constantly evolving to be environmentally conscious in both production and packaging, and we gather people around us who complement our values.


What motivated you to join GreenDice?

Being self-aware of the damage and loss caused by abandoned EES waste in the world, we want to do everything we can to ensure that used electronics are reused or recycled in a way that leaves as little material as possible.

In order to reduce the overall collection of landfills – or why not eliminate them at all – it goes without saying that every individual, but especially companies, take responsibility for the waste they produce and operate in a circular system to prevent ozone depletion in the atmosphere.


Have you implemented green and circular policies in your business and how?

Our entire product range is always 100% organic, which means that no herbicides are released into the environment. This is how we protect the environment as a whole (including groundwater) as well as human health. We prefer forest plants/berries when developing our products so that it is possible to save more forests from the fate of clear-cutting.

We prefer producers who use renewable energy sources (especially solar energy). Also, 99% of our product range is VEGAN, which means that no animal products have been used and therefore there is many times less damage to the environment than animal products.


Why is it important for you to contribute to the development of Estonia and the rest of society?

Estonia was still in a very good condition with its green and water areas 10 years ago compared to the rest of the world, more than 60% of our land area was forest and wetland. Unfortunately, they are beginning to decline at a significant rate.

The more time passes, the more everyone should realize that we have only one planet, Earth, and given the consumption habits of mankind, it will soon become uninhabitable. That is why it is important for us to actively focus on solutions and improving existing patterns so that the damage done can be remedied as quickly as possible.

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Port of Tallinn
#Public sector
Port of Tallinn