Forus Grupp

Forus Grupp

What does your company do and what value do you create today?

Forus is an Estonian company focused on creating a safe and sustainable environment. We operate in the field of real estate management, maintenance, construction, and energy efficiency, as well as security and safety services. Under the name of Forus Takso, we also offer taxi and representative car and transfer services, and you can conveniently make your daily trips using the Forus Taxi app.


What motivated you to join GreenDice?

As a large company in the sense of Estonia, our employees use a large number of devices. We’ve tried to find ways to recycle them ourselves, but it’s a bit chaotic on the one hand. In addition, we don’t have any overview and certainty that after they leave our hands, they will actually continue their life and not end up in a landfill.


Have you implemented green and circular economy principles in the company and how?

We consider it important to reduce the negative environmental effects of our activities. We contribute to sustainable development in three main ways. We have set ourselves the goal of minimizing the environmental footprint of our activities, which is first of all expressed in the consistent reduction of carbon emissions of the vehicles used by Forus. In addition, we consider it important to support and increase the awareness and responsibility of our employees in saving the environment – both in their daily activities as Forus employees and outside of work.

Looking beyond our own operations, it is essential to note that our service portfolio has an important place in services that reduce the environmental impact, helping our customers to economically develop, maintain and manage their properties.


Why is it important for you to contribute primarily to the development of Estonia and other societies?

We are a company based in Estonia’s capital and Estonia is our main home market. We believe that companies play a big role in shaping the well-being of all of us. We can contribute most directly with our services and take care of the well-being and development of our employees, but our influence certainly extends beyond these boundaries.

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KRC Ehitus
KRC Ehitus