R8tech r8tech.io


What do you do?

Developed by R8tech, the R8 Digital Operator is an artificial intelligence software solution for controlling DHW (heating-ventilation-cooling) systems in commercial buildings, enabling a better indoor climate with lower energy costs.


What motivated you to join GreenDice?

R8tech has joined a wide range of international and local organizations to tackle both global and enterprise challenges together. GreenDice is undoubtedly one of the organizations with which we have a similar understanding of the world’s pain points, and by joining we can certainly take another step forward to make our world a better place.


Have you implemented green and circular policies in your business and how?

The main benefit of R8tech for the green economy is our R8 Digital Operator. We have achieved energy savings of up to 30% and CO2 reductions thanks to more efficient management of the technical systems, which does not require any additional investment (ie there are no hidden CO2 emissions). Then our values ​​are added – we use hardware, etc. for as long as it can be used effectively; the tare goes to the tare vending machine and not under the forest; if possible, we will make a video call instead of an air trip, tons of company documentation will not be printed on paper, etc.


Why is it important for you to contribute to the development of Estonia and the rest of society?

There is such a well-known saying, “There is no planet B!” Here we live and this “here” is not limited to Estonia, but to the whole world. Nothing happens on its own, the contribution of all of us is needed to make something (better).

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#Public sector
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